domingo, 4 de noviembre de 2012

The lion Rigoberto

The lion Rigoberto.

Once upon a time, long ago, lived a couple of wild lions who happily ruled the great Amazon forest in Africa.

They were very happy since

the queen lioness hoped his first son. The  father lion was all a satisfaction to bring to the world the first descendant since it would be his successor to the throne. Eagerly expected his birth as that for him it was all proud that wanted to show to all and every one of his subjects.
Longed day arrived and mother lion put
of childbirth.
All animals were expected this happy event but at the same time a little scared, that the family of kings lions were already very feared because of his great power.
When the baby lion was born the fathers decided to put Rigoberto. They thought it was a very distinguished name and at the same time denoted some power and revolt that would be very suitable for when the baby had to continue his reign.

But to everyone's surprise, when the baby was born they was account that he had not voice and it was impossible to roar to the rest of the Lions.

For the father lion was all a frustration knowing the news, since that supposed that it could never be respected or be able to demonstrate his power to other animals.

With great disappointment the father lion had to accept the facts with resignation, although inwardly I knew that Rigoberto would be unable to reign.
Rigoberto grew and was gradually being aware that was not like the other Lions. It was not able to roar or communicate with their peers. At the college and in the courtyard of the jungle his companions would always let him isolated. They didn't know anything about a lion that was not able to roar.
At home, he also began to notice the disappointment on the face of his parents, who accepted the problem of Rigoberto very hardly.
So one day, forced by the circumstances, Rigoberto picked up his room a few things, and he ran away from home. He didn't want to continue to be the laughing stock and the shame from friends or parents.

With its small sachet in the hand departed fixed aimlessly, not knowing where go or whom to go so you solve you your problem.
He walked and walked without help from any animal of the jungle. Nobody paid help, on the contrary, they continued laughing and mocking of him.
So he sat crying beside a small lagoon very discouraged.
 As he wept a light wind began to whip a few small reeds vibrated which resulted in strange whistles and whispers to his step.
Rigoberto suddenly took note that those strange sounds could resemble the deafening noise or a growl of lion.

-If you could only get a roar like this - thought for himself Rigoberto.
And he had suddenly a great idea. Perhaps you could build some sort of mechanism using junks that would allow him to blow through them and lead to a sound similar to a grunt. In this way could return to the jungle and demonstrate that he was capable of roar as well as the rest of the Lions. It could thus be enforced by other animals and to properly rule the Amazon jungle.
So without further delay, Rigoberto started designing various mechanisms with the help of the reeds, branches and leaves of trees.

To create the first instrument used a long reed which drilled with their claws giving output to different holes. In this way, when Rigoberto blew through, gave origin to different sounds depending on the holes through which passed the air. If he would carefully change the position of your fingers through the holes, the wind caused different sounds. Tried and tested many options but sounds that lay off the rush were very sharp, very fine and through them it would be impossible to scare or defend against any animal.
The second instrument created it through the association of several consecutive rushes tied with a rope. When it quickly blew through them he originated several types of sounds. Tried and tested and none of them also convinced you.
In this way he was testing and testing different options. The sound that was intended to search for should be severe and strong and the dimension of the small
rushes was not enough to be able to originate a brusqueness sound.
Something discouraged sat down in the shore to think and reflect the best way to get the sound that he was looking for him.
Suddenly he saw appear to a group of pelicans that landed on the shore of the lagoon.
Seeing how they moved and the aspect that they had, Rigoberto started to turn their imagination.
He carefully observed the peak of the pelicans. They were large, crowned and with capacity to multitude of fish.
Perhaps if he could develop an instrument with those dimensions when it blowing inside could result the growl that he was looking for him. The output of the rush was too small but if you use another type of material by which blow, the sound probably instead of using a reed would be stronger.

So he began to search for different objects to design your instrument. Searched and searched among the leaves of the trees, by the hollow trunks of trees and finally found the solution.
He finally found the solution. It engaged the largest reed found a large shell snail that would serve as a receptacle and when the
air was passing across was creation of the bass sound that he was looking for him.

In this way Rigoberto managed to create the strongest and most atrocious roar that had never heard in all the jungle. Very happy he left home with the illusion of return to be with their parents and their friends now that he roared as well as them.
When it came to the jungle and began blowing and blowing your instrument, all the animals were fleeing scared by the din that originated and which came to be heard by all corners of Africa.
The parents of Rigoberto immediately left in search of that road so strong and powerful fearful that was a lion willing to take his reign. But his surprise was tremendous when they saw appear in the distance to Rigoberto accompanied by his large instrument which he called trombone.

The Rigoberto´s fathers did not fit of joy. Excited celebrated his return with a big party. From that moment all the animals of the jungle began to respect Rigoberto since it was now able to defend himself and frighten any animal as the rest of the lions.
And so was it as Rigoberto invented all wind instruments.

Y colorin , colorado , este cuento se ha acabado

By Monica Zambrano. The wikitalles multicultural

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