upon a time, long ago lived a great anteater called Plumby.
Plumby was color honey and was highly feared by the ants that it was very strong and powerful. He had a long horn that aspire to all the poor ants that served them food.
When the ants saw him appear they ran alarmed to not be eaten with its long trunk. Plumby shaking ants felt very proud and enjoyed telling his friends the number of ants that had hunted during the day.
Plumby was color honey and was highly feared by the ants that it was very strong and powerful. He had a long horn that aspire to all the poor ants that served them food.
When the ants saw him appear they ran alarmed to not be eaten with its long trunk. Plumby shaking ants felt very proud and enjoyed telling his friends the number of ants that had hunted during the day.
One day when Plumby was looking for more ants that scare appeared suddenly behind him a blue ant.
Hi, said the Ant to Plumby.
-¿What is your name?-asked AntHi, said the Ant to Plumby.
-I am Plumby. I'm an anteater. How is that you do not flee from my frightened it? I I like ants like you, know right? - said Plumby.
- Ah! Sorry, did not know - the Ant said sadly. Since then eat me - said resignedly.
Suddenly Plumby was surprised by the resignation of the Ant.
- But not going to flee? Are not you going to put resistance as do other ants? -He asked Plumby.
-I'm not like them - said the little Ant.
-Yes, I've already noticed that you have a strange colour - said Plumby. I had never seen a blue ant.
-Yes, I am blue. Why nobody loves me. I do not want because I am different from them. -said crying little Ant.
- But you're still an Ant even if you have a different colour - very convinced Plumby said.
-If it is true. But I do not respect between them. They don't want you to be with them. Why I travel alone instead told them that always travel together and group - the blue ant. Ah! Sorry, my name is Armita.
But that is not fair - inquired the anteater. Because you're different you don't have to leave. Between us the anteaters we always respect even though we are of different size or different color. We help among us to look for food and to protect us from other animals more powerful than us.- Plumby explained to the little ant.
-As you see, so things are - replied resignedly Armita. So here I am, you can eat if you want to. I'm not worth anything. I don't think that you even like my taste. -Armita said sad.
-I won't hurt you small Ant - said in a tone of comfort and companionship than ever before Plumby had proved to have with no Ant.
-I think that it is not fair that you have abandoned. You will always come with me. I protect you so that do you no damage. With me you will always be safe.-said Plumby
And that this took the small Ant and climbed it through its long trunk to the top of his head.
Together walked towards the country of the Anteaters.
There Plumby presented to Armita and asked that no bear mound approached you never hurt since it was her friend.
In this way the bears mound became good friends of Armita. They took care much and protected it. No animal approached you to hurt you.
One day while Plumby and Armita walked together through the forest they suddenly heard some shouts and strange sounds in the surrounding area. A group of Anteaters were catching a large army of ants who were inside their nests.
-Come out of there! - shouted an anteater.
-Do not you put resistance, you will today be my dish strong shouted another anteater.
Suddenly, the Ant realized that was the ancient anthill. There she saw her old boss Ant, which threw her without mercy on the mound because he was blue.
-Plumby, Plumby! It's my old Ant, it is where I was born!! We can not they caught them, we must help them!-exclaimed Armita frightened.
- But if they are your old classmates. Those that didn't want you and that you took of your mound forcing you to wander alone - said Plumby.
-I know - he said the Ant. But I don't want to hurt them. Would not forgive it me if left them be devoured without offering a little help - Armita said sadly.
-Okay. But for the record that I do it for you.
Plumby approached the Group of bears nest.
-But it is Plumby! - one of them said.
- And it is with Armita - another said cheerfully.
Hi guys. Armita has told me that the anthill that you are attacking is where she was born. These ants that are now shouting their old classmates, those that threw him by be different- Plumby said.
-Ah yes! Therefore a by them now with more reason, said one of them.
No, please, please - said Armita. I ask that you do not. Leave them free. Go to attack to another nest. I don't see them suffer.
Listen to the voice of Armita, head Ant left the mound and with a great torrent of voice said:
-Armita, help us, save us please! We have very afraid! Let's be devoured!-said crying and with a broken leg.
Armita approached the anteaters and asked that they stop them free.
At that time the anteater decided to leave because Armita had requested.
- And for the record I do free thanks to Armita. If not...-said one of the bears mounds.
Having said that they were in search of another mound which feed. Thanks to the company and the friendship he had with Armita had become accustomed to eating vegetables also and could be eating fewer ants.
Armita fell from Plumby and headed to the mound. There were all the ants admiring the work of Armita.
-Thank you for your help - said the head Ant. Without you we would have been devoured - said sadly.
-Nothing happens. Now I am friend of the anteaters and they take care of me. We look after each other among us. This is what I have learned from them. It is normal for me being ant help you also to you. That is to be a true companions - Miles Armitage said glad to be seen again.
-Yes, but we miss you we nest. You did not want among us. Can we forgive someday? -said another of the army ants.
-I have already. Long ago we forgave. Maybe if you had not taken me I never would have known the world of anteaters or PLumby - he said without rancor Armita.
You can return among us if your want - said the head Ant.
-Thank you, but for the moment I prefer continue with Plumby. But we will come to visit you whenever we can and will make our friends anteaters does not bring much to your home. So you live much more quiet - said Armita with sweet and melodious voice.
And when they said goodbye to all the ants Plumby and Armita went slowly back to home.
-You know what Plumby - said Armita. I am glad to have met you.
- And I also my small blue ant - said Plumby.
And they left happy and content to continue sharing their experiences and their adventures always united as major partners.
Y colorín colorado…este cuento se ha acabado.
Mónica Zambrano. Los Wikicuentos Multiculturales
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